LeRhone 80

The motor was originally designed in France and named after the Rhone River.   This unit was made in the U.S.A. through the Bureau of Aircraft Production by Union Switch & Signal Co. in Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1917.   It is classified as a Revolving motor.   The crankshaft is attached to the aeroplane and the motor revolves around it with the propeller.   It is rated for 80 HP at  1200 R.P.M.   There are 9 cylinders of 105 mm bore and 140 mm stroke.     Displacement is 667 cubic inches with a compression ratio of 4.8

Side view on the aeroplane


Propeller end

     Crankshaft end.    Carburetor goes on the end, the plate bolts to the firewall.

Exhaust valve

Intake valve

On the stand ready to disassemble

Prop shaft off

Cam ring

First cylinder off

All cleaned and inspected

Main bearing assembly

Bearings installed with crankcase and crankshaft

Pistons and connecting rods

Connecting rods installed

Cylinder assemblies ready

Pistons and cylinders going together

Cam and follower assembly

Valve linkage parts

Intake tubes

All assembled

Oil pump parts

Assembled oil pump

Throttle parts

Throttle assembly

Finished engine

Ready to install on the aeroplane